In a commercial trial at a private nursery, a 2% solution of Agri-balance at 150– 300ml per planting bag followed by foliar application of a 1% Agri-Boost solution at two week intervals gave the best results compared to other treatments. This showed that Advanced Crop Care products fit in excellently with Macadamia nursery fertiliser programs.
It is a known fact that Macadamia trees tend to flower profusely but very few of the flowers set nuts especially when any adverse climatic conditions such as warm dry winds accompanied by high temperatures occur during flowering and nut set. During this period immobile nutrients and transient deficiencies are common during peak biological demand of bud break and flowering on many crops. Nutrients such as calcium, zinc, copper, and boron are critical nutrients for optimal pollen development and growth.
• Calcium has an essential role in pollen germination and pollen tube growth.
• Zinc is a co-factor in over 300 enzymes and proteins and has early and specific effects on cell division, nucleic metabolism, and protein synthesis.
• Pollen and ovaries are very sensitive to copper deficiencies.
• Boron is critical for pollen development and germination.
AGRI-FLOWER COMPLEX formulation was based on the above-mentioned criteria.
AGRI-FLOWER COMPLEX combines earthworm exudate, organic acids (fulvic and humic) with nitrogen, calcium, carbon, zinc, copper, boron, and other micronutrients synergistically which targets flower buds and early reproductive development during peak demand.
Nitrogen was included because its in high demand during early flowering and fruit sets. Nitrogen may also have a beneficial effect on flower physiology and a synergistic effect on nutrient uptake/mobility.
The earthworm exudate adds further value and contains natural plant hormones and enzymes such as auxins, cytokines, and chitinase which help to promote healthy cell division and protect leaves/flowers from pathogen invasion.
Fulvic acid is also added because it is a natural chelator that also complexes the nutrients while increasing the permeability of the plant membranes enhancing cell energy to ensure quick and effective penetration.
To test the effect of AGRI-FLOWER COMPLEX on nut set of macadamias the following trials were conducted:
The trials were conducted at Folly Farms, White River area on mature Beaumont trees planted at 7 x 3 m spacing (476 trees /ha). The trial was a block design with 5 treatments and 5 replicates with 5 trees per replicate.
An on-farm strip trial was also conducted by Mr. T. Smuts at their farm in the Schagen area. These results are also presented.
Approximate stage to apply flower spray.
Macadamia nut yield results over three seasons show that Agri-Flower Complex applied as a flower targeted spray when about 10% of the flowers have opened does give a yield improvement with 10 L/ha. However, in the final season, the lower rate of 5L/ha gave the best yield improvement compared to the control treatment. The higher rates of 15 and 20 L/ha appeared to depress the yield. It is therefore recommended that Agri-Flower spray be applied at rates not exceeding 10L/ha at a concentration of 250ml/100L. A maximum concentration of 500ml/100L must not be exceeded.
According to these results, Agri-Flower Complex at 5-10L/ha can be expected to increase the dry in-shell nut yield by between 200 to 800kg/ha for mature Beaumont trees which will make the sprays economically viable. These results were corroborated by the on-farm trial at Smuts Farm where the yield was 580 kg/ha higher at the Agri Flower complex treatment compared to the control treatment.
Richard Abercrombie (Pr.Nat. Sci) Reg. No 400182/04