Agri-Magnesium is a major component of chlorophyll formation and plays a major role in cellular energy transfer. Generally, a high Mg concentration improves nutritional quality of plants.

Agri-Magnesium is specially formulated with Fulvic Acid and Earthworm Exudate to enhance plant uptake when deficient.

agri-magnesium, healthy plants

Magnesium should be an intergral part of a balanced nutritional program for all crops especially where analyses show deficiencies. Agri-Magnesium is specially formulated to give an available form of magnesium as a foliar spray at critical plant requirement stages.


  • Green up the leaves and increase photosynthesis.

  • Increase the rate of photosynthesis per unit leaf area.

  • Improve oil formation in crops such as soya and macadamia.

  • Optimise plant nitrogen and phosphorous uptake.


  • Soils are acid (low pH, high Aluminium content), leached and sandy.

  • Soils have a cation imbalance, especially high high Ca/Mg and/ 

    or K/Mg ratios.

  • There are periods of high demand, such as during fruit/nut or grain development stages, where re-translocation may be limited.

Typical magnesium deficiency of macadamia leaves vs a healthy macadamia tree.

Benefits of using Agri-Magnesium:

1. Magnesium is essential for two principal carbon dioxide fixing enzymes therefore important for photosynthesis and carbohydrate synthesis. Deficiency may therefore contribute to alternate bearing of tree crops.

2. Magnesium is essential for good oil formation and therefore important for Macadamia nuts and Soya where oil formation is an important quality aspect.

3. Magnesium plays a major role in protein synthesis and energy transfer between cells. Regulating N uptake and stimulates P-uptake by plants.