Agri-Fulbor is specifically formulated to provide readily plant available boron.
It is complexed with Fulvic acid and Earthworm Exudate that contains an array of micro-organisms, which further enhances plant growth response and health.
This combination ensures the super absorption of the boron into the phloem or plant tissues for rapid assimilation into the metabolism of the plant.
Boron is an essential plant nutrient required by plants in small quantities. A boron deficiency is a common phenomenon reported in 80 countries on 132 different plant species. Boron levels in soil and leaf analysis are regularly low in South Africa on a variety of crops.
Agri-Fulbor boron is absorbed via the phloem in most plants. Helping combat plant diseases and temperature related stress.
Various application scenarios include:
Citrus and sub-tropical fruit trees; includes Macadamia, Avocadoes, Mangoes and Coffee
• Apply at 2.5 - 5L/ha just before most flowers open and/or during spring and
summer leaf growth flushes.
• Can be applied via the irrigation system as a soil application at 5-15L/ha.
Deciduous Fruit:
• Apply at 0.25 % solution at 30% open blossoms and post-harvest.
Vineyards (all Grape types):
• Apply at 0.25% solution just before flowering stage and after harvest.