Sustainable Farming is the word.
The Advanced Crop Care product range was developed to contribute to the effective use of fertilisers, especially nitrogen and to help with the rehabilitation of soils so that food production can be more sustainable.
The main component of the Advanced Crop Care Range consists of a natural by-product of earthworms, called exudate.
We all know that the demand for world food production is growing rapidly. Unfortunately to meet this demand the unsustainable and ineffective use of fertilisers and resources has also lead to increased deforestation and land degradation. The Advanced Crop Care product range was developed to contribute to the effective use of fertilisers especially nitrogen and to help with the rehabilitation of soils so that food production can be more sustainable.
Our mission is to share our knowledge and expertise, combined over 50 years regarding soil and leaf nutritional aspects, sales and the development of our unique advanced crop care products with our customers, in order to add value and improve crop yields. We endeavor to use constituents of high quality that are tested, registered and contributes to the sustainability of high value and quality crops. The products are organically certified where possible, contributing to a cleaner environment and ensuring that no harmful minerals/organisms are present as this may deter the sustainability of crops over the long term.
Earthworms have a simple digestive system, yet insoluble minerals can be converted to plant available nutrients by the earthworm's colloidal mill. In addition the earthworm's stomach becomes a repository for colony forming units of bacteria (CFU). The CFU are primarily gram positive, and can survive in very arduous conditions for long periods of time in the "dormant" state. The CFU have the ability to boost the level of friendly bacteriological activity in the soil.
EARTHWORM EXUDATES are then blended with technical grade humic- or fulvic- & ulmic organic acids in various combinations. These formulations are further blended with nutrients such as nitrogen and micro-nutrients; zinc, copper, iron and boron to produce the ADVANCED CROP CARE PRODUCT RANGE.
“Earthworms -
the intestines
of the earth.”