Agri-Flower combines Earthworm Exudate, organic acids (fulvic and humic) with nitrogen, calcium, carbon, zinc, copper, boron and other micro nutrients in a synergistic, physiological beneficial, and easily available formulation which, targets flower buds & early reproductive development during peak demand.

Nitrogen is in high demand during early flowering and fruit set & may have a beneficial effect on the flower physiology.

Various application scenarios include:

  • Tree Crops including Macadamias:

    Mature Tree: Apply 5-10L/ha (250ml/100Lwater) at the beginning of flowering, just before the flowers open.

  • Young Trees: 5L/ha at the beginning of flowering

    Ground Nuts:

  • 1-3L/ha per application at pre-flower and pod initiation.

Earthworm exudate contain natural plant hormones and enzymes such as auxins, cytokines and chitinase which help to promote healthy cell division and protect leaves/flowers from pathogen invasion.